
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

As Legion Engine is not open for public, but exclusive for ProVision clients, it is normal for visitors and explorers to have many questions, related to features, technical, management, support and other sections.

Here we hope you will find your answers, if you have a question that is not listed, please, contact us.

  • Is Legion Engine open source?

    No, Legion Engine is exclusive and privately owned by ProVision company.

  • Does Legion Engine has support?

    Yes, our support is 24/7.

  • Who Developed Legion Engine?

    ProVision company developed Legion Engine, the leader and founder is Mr. Omar Shamali

  • How to obtain Legion Engine?

    By becoming a client of ProVision, if you sign a contract with it to develop a website, web application, web system or any other services that needs a web core, ProVision will build your project on the robust Legion Engine.

  • Whats the core language of Legion Engine?

    PHP, updated to the recent stable versions. That aligns with the front-end languages: HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

  • What are the front-end languages?

    HTML, CSS, and Javascript. That aligns with the core language PHP.