Legion Engine Design
Legion Engine is designed to function on most of server environments, which gives the site/application owner the freedom of server choice.
The worry-free Legion Engine features of future decisions is a key advantage; as if the owner needs to change to a new OS or different database, the changes on the application will be zero most of the times.
In short, Legion engine works on operation system with PHP compiler, and MySQL or MS SQL Server or Oracle or other databases listed below.
Legion Engine Environment:
Core language is PHP
PHP has proven its' performance & security for decades, its is used by most websites in the world.
We continuously update Legion code to the latest stable version of PHP.
Styling Language is CSS
Using latest version of Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) is fundamental, to guarantee best performance and great rendering.
Legion engine depend on Legion sheet prefixed with (l_) in order to avoid conflict with custom sheets, as it gives the power to developers to use custom sheets and styles as they need.
Most Database Types
The flexibility of Legion engine to work with most of databases, thanks to PDO driver, it is compatible with: MySQL, MS SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite, ODBC, Informix, IBM, Firebird, CUBRID. Add to that any future support by PDO.
Operating System
If the server has a PHP compiler and database supported by PDO, theoretically, then Legion Engine will work.
Guaranteed operating systems based on web applications in production mode (live) are: CentOS, AlmaLinux, Redhat, CentOS Stream.
If the application has no rich media compression, it will work with very low memory support. Otherwise, 128MB will be the minimum, increase that based on images sizes that need resizing or compression.
One core (1.8 GHz) is more than enough to run the any web application using Legion Engine, and it can handle multiple concurrent users; however, you need to increase depending on application needs.